A better tripod mount ring for my 200 - 500

Australian Pelican, Denmark, Western Australia Nikon D850 with Nikkor 200-500mm f/5.6E ED VR lens at 500mm 1/1000 sec, f/6.3 and ISO 320. Hand held.

Australian Pelican, Denmark, Western Australia
Nikon D850 with Nikkor 200-500mm f/5.6E ED VR lens at 500mm
1/1000 sec, f/6.3 and ISO 320. Hand held.

Last year, I wrote about my purchase of my first really big lens: a Nikkor 200-500mm f/5.6E ED VR lens I called The Beast. While it has its weaknesses, it's a very good lens and extremely good value. (While not being exactly cheap, it's much less expensive than you would expect.) And it gives me the results I've hoped for:

The Arca-Swiss plate could clearly take a second mounting screw, but the foot would need a hole drilled and tapped - and I don't have the necessary tools. So, I started looking around - and came across a replacement foot with a built-in Arca-Swiss "dovetail": the Haoge LMR-N25 Tripod Mount Ring. No mounting plate required!


However, a problem using this lens (and a few other large lens, I gather) is mounting it on a tripod. The issue is that the mounting plate (in my case, an Arca-Swiss plate) moves about on the lens' "foot" because it has only a single threaded hole to screw on the plate:


The Arca-Swiss plate could clearly take a second mounting screw, but the foot would need a hole drilled and tapped - and I don't have the necessary tools. So, I started looking around - and came across a replacement foot with a built-in Arca-Swiss "dovetail": the Haoge LMR-N25 Tripod Mount Ring. No mounting plate required!

It fits on the 200 - 500 like it was made for it (my pathetic attempt at a joke - it's made specifically for the lens) and feels very, very secure on the Sirui Arca-Swiss compatible clamp I've tried it on. How robust it is remains to be seen, but it looks and feels well made - especially given the price of AUD$87.98. My lens now feels part of the tripod mount - which is the way it should be. What's more, it also has 1/4" and 3/8" tapped holes should I ever need to mount it directly.

Haoge makes other mounts for other lenses, so if you're experiencing similar problems, use Google. I'd like to include a link, but if Haoge has a web site, I can't find it. You can however find their extensive range of photographic accessories on Amazon and eBay.

Good shooting

Shane Baker

Shane Baker

Shane Baker is an enthusiast photographer living in Perth, Western Australia.


In cameras, there may be arising a third option