How I could easily have recovered all my lost photographs

In a blog post made on 26 September entitled How I lost all my photographs - and got them back, I wrote of how I lost 99% of my image files and recovered them via Backblaze cloud storage.

I did this despite the fact that I had everything backed up on a Time Machine drive on my desk. I just couldn’t find a way to make TM restore the files as the “mount point“ of my reformatted drive had changed.

Well … surprise surprise, Apple allows such a restore - and it’s easy. Had I found Melissa Holt’s web page How to Restore Files to an External Drive with Time Machine, I could have had everything back overnight, and with almost no stress!!

I suggest you read Melissa’s piece. It could save suicidal thoughts in the future.

Shane Baker

Shane Baker is an enthusiast photographer living in Perth, Western Australia.


Continuing my Men’s Shed portrait project


How I lost all my photographs - and got them back